Practice Grenadine's vocabulary with a fun Game ! Just match the pictures with the words.
Directions: print the cards, a background picture is available to print on the back of the cards. Cut, and play !
To play : put all the cards face down on a table. Flip 2 cards. If they match, keep them. If they don't, put them back face down, it's the next player's turn. The winner is the one with the most pairs.
The game is free to download. Personal use only!
un garçon - a boy
une fille - a girl
une araignée - a spider
une souris - a mouse
un flamant rose - a flamingo
un ours - a bear
un éléphant - an elephant
le soleil - the sun
un arbre - a tree
le ciel - the sky
une rose - pink
une tomate - tomato
vert - green
rouge - red
bleu - blue
orange - orange
rose - pink
noir - black
blanc - white
gris - grey
jaune - yellow
une sorcière - a witch
un corbeau - a crow
un hibou - an owl